Top 5 lessons I learnt from the book “REWORK”

ashima chopra
2 min readOct 18, 2023


Like many, even I am not one of those people who like to read lengthy books that too at a single sitting, but this book changed my usual approach to reading books about business and forced me to read it at one go. The book REWORK by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried talks about changing the way you work forever, now this sounds like a strong radical statement.Well, it definitely is!

So here’s the top 5 things I learnt:

  1. Inspiration is perishable: Ideas are immortal, they last forever inside our brain ofcourse unless we materialise them but inspiration is transient just like our own existence. When you feel inspired to do something “just do it” as Nike says!
  2. ASAP is a poison: Almost all the time we can find ourselves telling people to do the work ASAP(as soon as possible), now contrary to our expectation the work you want to get done gets done but it removes the necessity or due importance from work which doesn’t have ASAP attached to it. So try and avoid using such lingo at all times when running a business or managing people.
  3. Don’t be a hero: Like an angel, stop saying YES to everyone for every thing, just learn to say NO. Boosting your inner workaholic ego is not a heroic action when it compromises the quality of work you do, please only say yes to things you can fully commit too.
  4. Assign work to the busiest person: The “busy” people referred here are those who have got a life outside work, they will use working hours efficiently and get the work done in time because they sure have a lot of things to do apart from regular-degular 9–5.
  5. Stop being a perfectionist: Wabi-sabi, Japanese philosophy of finding beauty in imperfections fits perfectly in this context. The book reiterates the idea of not chasing perfection, if you have a product or service just offer it to the customers. It just needs to be good enough, you can always make it great later somewhere down the line until it stops serving your purpose.

At last, I would like to recommend this book to anyone who is running a business, plans to run a business or is working for a business as this book is a catalyst for redefining your path to success. Happy reading and reworking!



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